AUPCOM Updates, Summer 2014 |
Posted on Facebook, 24 Nov 2014
Friends, I want to clarify some things here regarding the photo posted here. The Alumni hall which I am sure you already saw is a two story building, but with a lower ground level and a basement. Half of the basement is the completed COM gross anatomy lab which will be named after a donor. the lower ground level which is not yet done is for the medtech. This plan for the lower ground was presented to the alumni before but the construction of the lower ground level will be shouldered by AUP. The ground level and the 2nd floor is all for the college of medicine. Since we are still waiting for the approval of the Doctor of Medicine program, AUP decided to maximize the use of the building hence it is being used temporarily as classrooms and offices for DevCOm, Undergraduate psychology program, and the medtech. The photo is taken in front of the COM office. We placed that name so that students who have classes in that building will not enter the wrong room. Though we do not have an existing COM program yet, we have this office for our COM personnel. We want to inform you dear friends that the money solicited from alumni and other donors went to the building and not to just this area. By the way, the area which will be for the COM offices and conference room [part of the picture] will be named after our beloved donor. As to the reason why the building is named as Alumni Hall and not COM building, I would like to refer you back to the news that AUP issued and was sent to the alumni through the Cyberlink.
"The Alumni hall which I am sure you already saw is a two story building, but with a lower ground level and a basement. Half of the basement is the completed COM gross anatomy lab which will be named after a donor. the lower ground level which is not yet done is for the medtech." - Max Cadalig, 25 Nov 2014
AUPCOM Updates, 22 August 2014 |
"Oh what a tangled web we weave.
"When first we practice to deceive."- Sir Walter Scott (Marmion, 1808) College of Medicine or School of Medical Technology? |
"The building planned would cost around 70 million pesos. Another 20 million is estimated for the laboratory facilities, furniture and fixtures, equipment, and books." |
Floor space designated for COM in relation to the total floor area.
Histology and Gross Anatomy Laboratory - Cost in US$149,457.00 - Donor, Dr Alfonso and Loida Miguel |
"Half of the basement is the completed COM gross anatomy lab which will be named after a donor. the lower ground level which is not yet done is for the medtech.... The [first floor or upper?] ground level and the 2nd floor is all for the college of medicine." - Max Cadalig, 25 Nov 2014
"Amphitheater #1 - Donor, Pastor Ben Martin; Amphitheater #2 - Donor, AWESNA - Loma Linda Chapter; COM Dean's Office - Donor, AWESNA - Cascadia Chapter; COM Dept Offices - Donor, Open." |
"By the way, the area which will be for the COM offices and conference room [part of the picture] will be named after our beloved donor." - Max Cadalig, 25 Nov 2014
Temporary COM or Future Administration Building?
AUPCOM Update, Feb 2014 |
AUP Prez Report, 29 August 2014
AWESNA-Loma Linda Chapter, 2014